Category: Dogs

safe travels with your dog

Tips for traveling safely with your dog

If you’re traveling with your dog, help ensure his health and safety by being aware of some often overlooked hazards that could spell trouble. You’ve made all the necessary arrangements for traveling with your dog. You have a canine-friendly place to stay, you’ve packed his food, bedding, leash and veterinary records, and his ID info…

reiki animal shelters

4 ways Reiki can help shelter animals

Shelter dogs and cats are under a lot of stress. Reiki can relieve their discomfort and even make them more adoptable. Animal shelters are stressful places for dogs and cats – and for the staff and volunteers who work there. Reiki is a simple and effective way to ease that stress. In fact, it offers four…

Dog scared of thunder

Is your dog scared of thunderstorms?

Shaking, whining, panting and pacing are all signs of thunder phobia in dogs. Instead of dreading summer thunderstorms, find out how behavior modification can help your pooch cope with his anxiety. Thunderstorms are a source of stress and anxiety in many dogs. They can cause some dogs to pant, pace, whine, tremble, hide, or become…

Natural remedies for canine anxiety

Natural remedies for canine anxiety

Is your dog a “nervous Nelly?“ Anxiety is common in our canine companions, so here’s  how to help him chill using a holistic, natural approach.  Is your dog anxious? Not only are anxious behaviors difficult to deal with, but they can have a detrimental effect on your dog’s health and well-being. Taking a holistic approach…

How Walking Helps Adoptions

Walking and exercise programs make shelter dogs more adoptable

Daily walks and exercise help more rescue and shelter dogs find forever homes by giving them physical and mental stimulation and teaching them valuable skills such as socialization and leash etiquette. Every pooch needs physical exercise, and shelter dogs are no exception. In fact, structured walking programs at shelters and rescues help make dogs more…